Category Archives: Home Remodeling

Improve Productivity: Remodel Your Office

How organized is your office? Do you have papers and documents scattered about your desk and trouble getting organized? Well, you might need a professional organizer, or a secretary. However, all the organization in the world can’t fix an office that doesn’t suit your needs. An efficient office means more efficient work getting done, which means more productivity. So how do you achieve this? With an office remodel.

Home Office Remodeling: In the internet age a lot of business owners are working from home. You might be using a spare bedroom or you may have been lucky enough to purchase a home with an “office” in it. Often times, these work spaces are small and/or too close to the rest of the house. If you have cleaners or a nanny over  you want your space to be away from these distractions. Expanding upon your existing office, or even building a separate home office, either attached or detached from your house, might be a great option to consider.

Corporate Office Remodeling: While Greyhound General is a residential remodeling contractor, many small businesses blend residential property with their “corporate” office. Whether you need to improve the layout of your office to accommodate for employees, or you’re a one-man-show, Greyhound General can help review all your options.

Convert Office Into Den or Bedroom: You may have purchased a home with an “office,” but find yourself with little use for it. Greyhound General can help you convert this office into a den, family room or even a bedroom addition.

If you’d like to learn more about how San Diego home remodeling contractor Greyhound General can help remodel your office leave us a message here, or call us directly at 800-568-7108.

Who Are the Best San Diego General Contractors?

Wouldn’t it be easy if you could just find a totally objective list of best San Diego general contractors? Sure there are websites out there that claim to rate companies in various industries in an unbiased way, but most of the time these sites have an agenda. Even totally unbiased sites with reviews and rankings can be somewhat flawed. After all, it’s not like you’re rating restaurants, where you can literally eat at every restaurant and compare food, or rating NFL quarterbacks, where you can compare individual stats and teams stats.

As a consumer you have to do your due diligence to find the best general contractor. They don’t carry around MVP trophies or gold medals around their necks, but the best general contractor might be easier to find than you think. You’ll want to look at their:

  1. Photos of previous work: You should be able to find this on the contractors’ website
  2. Yelp, Citysearch and Google ratings: Make sure you examine all of these to see if there are any discrepancies. A 5 star Yelp rating is ideal!
  3. Youtube channel: Photos are great, but a well-produced video will really give you an idea of the quality of their work
  4. Speak to & visit former clients: Just like videos trump photos, an in-person walk-around of a remodel job and a discussion with former client both trump videos
  5. Facebook Page: Not quite as valuable as the examples mentioned above, but it’s always nice to see what other people are saying about the company you’re interested in
These are just some of the things you need to check out before selecting a contractor. Obviosuly you’ll want to start by verifying that the companies you’ve found are liscensed, bonded, insured and carry workers compensation.
In the San Diego area there are a lot of quality general contractors and remodeling companies, and the best general contractor is really the best on for your job. If you’re looking for a trustworthy, reliable and well-respected San Diego general contractor then look no further than Greyhound General. To learn more about our work or inquire about a free estimate simply call 800-568-7108 or leave us a message here.

Best Time to Remodel

One of the first things people look at when considering when to remodel is the temperature outside. For those on the East Coast or Mid West the Winter temperatures can drop below freezing, and that’s no time to have any of your home exposed to the elements. However, if you’re remodeling your kitchen, a bathroom or a bedroom then you have more options. Here are some other things to consider…

Cost of materials: Buying Winter clothes in June or July will often mean heavy discounts, and the same thing is true of many materials. It’s not necessarily a seasonal thing, like clothing, but it’s more of a matter of supply and demand. It makes sense to purchase materials when they’re cheapest, so planning ahead for remodeling work will allow you to monitor the pricing of the materials you need.

Busyness of Contractors: When contractors are extremely busy they inevitably can devote less attention to your project. It’s similar to going to a restaurant during the dinner rush; you have to wait your turn. It doesn’t necessarily mean the service isn’t “up to snuff,” but it just means that it’s more ideal to be the focal point of your contractor. Also, during the busy season, you’ll have to work more with your contractor on start dates, since they have to juggle multiple projects, whereas in the non-busy season, you can have more of a say when the project starts.

Keep in mind that not all contractors are created equal. The best contractors will help you find the best deals on the highest quality materials. The best contractors will also provide the same excellent service no matter how busy they are. To learn more about what to look for in a general contractor click here.

If you want to talk to an experienced general contractor in San Diego then contact Greyhound General today, or call 800-568-7108.

Fall & Winter Home Maintenance Tips

I recently posted an article about how to inspect your roof for the Fall. In that article I touched on a few tips to keep in mind when examining how your roof is holding up. In this article I’d like to bring up some basic tips Fall maintenance.

It’s probably too late for people on the East Coast and Mid West follow these tips and provide time for adequate repairs, because many have seen snow already and temperatures are likely to fall about 30 degrees in the next month. For those of you in San Diego, there’s no need to panic! While Winter is cooler, it is fairly mind, and late October is a perfect time to examine your house.

1) Examine your roof/ gutters/ downspouts for debris: It’s very important to keep your gutters and downspout clear of all debris, including pine needles, leaves and dirt. Pay close attention if you have trees surrounding your house. Also check the flashing around your chimney, as well as skylights, to make sure there are no leaves built up and no leaks.

2) Change your filters: If you have central AC, remember to change the filter regularly. Check your stove vents and clothes dryer vents as well. Cleaning your vents will help keep your family healthier in the Fall and Winter, when people are more likely to get sick.

3) Prepare your fireplace: Remember to always discard old ashes and make sure the damper is open when using the chimney, so that air can move freely through the chimney. Make sure the damper is working properly by checking the handle and springs to see if it opens and closes properly. When not in use, close the damper to keep cold air out. Also, consider a chimney cleaning every few years, if not more frequently based on your use.

4) Examine your hot water heater: If the area you live has hard water then it’s likely that there’s sediment building up in your hot water tank. Consider draining your hot water tank and making sure that there is no rust build up. If there is rust, consider buying a new hot water heater that is more cost effective and energy efficient.

5) Check windows & doors for drafts: Start by investigating around all windows to make sure that the seal and caulking around the window frames are in good condition. Check the front, back and side doors to see if air is getting in underneath. There are cheap, temporary fixes such as rubber draft stoppers and even bean bag blockers that can easily be pushed away when you need to leave the house. Another temporary fix is to add heavy drapery around a particularly drafty window.

6) Store seasonal outdoor furniture: In San Diego, you’re in a different boat than the rest of the country with this tip. That being said, outdoor furniture can still deteriorate even in the mild Winters. Rain can do a lot of damage to furniture, so consider either investing in a cover for your furniture or finding a cool, dry place to store it when the rain picks up.

I left off several other tips, but they’re aimed at folks who own homes where it snows. Make sure to always inspect you home in the late Summer or Fall, regardless of the temperature. Making it a habit will help you spot issues early on, and give you time to fix any potential problems.

If you have any questions about home maintenance tips, or you’d like to learn more about San Diego home remodeling, then contact Greyhound General at 800-568-7108.

Living Room Remodeling

One of the seldom discussed home remodeling jobs is the living room remodel. We spend so much time upgrading our kitchens and remodeling our bathrooms that we overlook one of the main areas where family and friends gather. Often times the living room is the biggest room in the house. The living room is sometimes considered the formal “sitting” room, with the family room being the main place to sit and watch TV and congregate.

Whether you call it a living room, family room, den or rumpus room it’s a very important part of your home. Upgrading your living room doesn’t need to cost you tens of thousands of dollars. There are many elements to the living room that can be upgraded on a much smaller scale, without the work of a general contractor.

In most cases you’ll want to at least consult a general contractor about your ideas. Expanding your room, knocking down a wall, and adding new flooring & walls are just a few of the things that most homeowners need a general contractor to do.

If you’re looking to spruce up the focal point of your home, here are a few things to focus on before you make any decisions:

1) What’s going in your living room: Obviously there will be furniture, but do you really like the furniture? Even if you do, does it go with your overall vision of the room? Get rid of all items that clutter the room as you’ll want to start with the basics to see if additional or replacement pieces of furniture are needed.

2) Assess the floor, ceiling and walls: Do you currently have carpet, but would prefer hardwood? Are the walls and ceiling the right colors? Are the light fixtures the right style? These are things you’ll have to ask yourself. You can even throw some paint test patches up to see if a color sample translates well onto the wall.

3) Check online for living room styles that you like: the Internet has a plethora of home design ideas. I recommend you do your research online to see how others are improving their living room. Sites such as (Home & Garden TV) have tons of ideas, tips and photos.

4) Select a focal point for the room: The focal point can be an object, such as a large painting, or it can simply be a wall or patterned fabric. Whatever your focal point is, other items in the room should compliment it and reinforce the color palette.

5) Consult a general contractor: You don’t necessarily need to get to step 5 to contact a general contractor, but it helps to have an idea or vision for your living room first. Of course, you don’t necessarily need a contractor to improve your living room look. Sure, you can paint the room on your own,  but if you’re planning to replace flooring, wall or ceiling fixtures, expand the room, or install a stereo or electrical outlets then it is a good idea to contract a home remodeling contractor.

6) Final steps: Once the remodeling work is complete, you’ll then want to paint and add in the new flooring. This is also a good time to change any light fixtures. Once the painting is complete the crown molding comes next. One tip for crown molding is to match it to existing trim, or simply paint it white to match the ceiling.

7) Add in accessories: Time to finish up the job by putting up all decorative pieces, including artwork and window treatments. Set up the TV and surround sound (if you have one), and remember to choose a nice entertainment center to hide wires. Also, it’s not a bad idea to place some items, such as board games, blankets, and other miscellaneous items in a trunk, so they don’t clutter up the room.

If you’re looking for an experienced San Diego living room remodeling contractor then look no further than Greyhound General. To learn more about how we can help with your next remodeling project contact us today, or simply call us at 800-568-7108.

Get Your Home Ready for Fall: Check Your Roof

With the coming of the Fall season most people can expect more rain, even in sunny San Diego. Now is a good time to check your roof to make sure it can withstand the elements in the Fall and coming Winter months. If you’ve owned your home for over 30 years and have never replaced the roof, now would be a good time to inspect it.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when inspecting your roof:

1) Some materials last longer than others:  Asphalt shingles sometime need to be replaced as early as 15 years after installation, and certainly by year 30, while wood shingles and rubber tiles can last anywhere for 30 to 50 years. Of the more durable roofing materials, metal can last at least 50 years, and slate, one of the most expensive materials, usually lasts the lifetime of the house.

2) Are shingles coming loose? Missing or loose shingles can expose your roof and home directly to inclement weather. This is one of the leading reasons for water damage to homes.

3) Are there curled or buckled shingles? Curled shingles occur when hot air from the attic force the shingles to curl away from the home. They are also a sign of inadequate roof ventilation and they will cause your roof to wear out more quickly. Buckled shingles, on the other hand, occur when hot air from an attic forces shingles to buckle away from the home. Buckled shingles, like curled shingles, cannot adequately protect your home.

4) Algae: You can spot algae from the dark streaks clinging to your roof. Algae can grow for long periods of time, and in addition to being unsightly and difficult to remove, it could mean that your roof may have other issues that need to be inspected by a professional.

5) Mold: More difficult to detect than algae, mold can be spotted by looking at the ceiling of your attic. Often times mold is a result of water leaking into your attic. If you discover mold in your attic you need to remove it immediately.

There are several other things you should look for on your roof, including proper ventilation, intact flashing and granule loss. It is important to be aware of any visible problem signs, as well as the age of your roof. Even if you see no warning signs it is important to have your roof inspected by a professional as you near the end of the average lifetime for the materials used on your roof.

If you’re looking to learn more about replacing your roof or remodeling your attic then contact San Diego roof remodeling contractor Greyhound General today, or call 800-568-7108.

What to Look For in a General Contractor

Finding a home remodeling contractor can be an arduous task. It takes time to review all the potential candidates for the job, get bids and make the final decision. However, it can be a lot less painful if you have a plan coming in.

Here are the steps you should take when evaluating a contractor for a potential job:

1) Determine the need or want for the remodel- Have you been saving for this remodel? Have you prepped any area for a potential remodel? Your answers don’t necessarily need to be “yes” for either of these questions, but you should know right away that remodeling jobs cost thousands of dollars, so prioritize your finances. I would not recommend financing the remodel unless it is a need, or unless you get a low rate on a loan you can pay back relatively quickly.

2) Do some basic online research for price ranges and determine your budget- If you’ve taken the next step and decided that this is a priority then do a little research to figure out a ball park for the remodeling job as best you can. Indoor areas, such as kitchens or bathrooms, have concrete square footage, so they’re easier to estimate.

3) Do a little more research online to find a few companies that you’d like to ask to give you a bid- If you’re satisfied that the ballpark is within your budget then start to research companies online. Find a handful online and start to go through their website. Do they have…

Also, make sure they’re licensed contractors, carry workers compensation and are fully insured. You can research that information in your state’s Department of Consumer Affairs website. Here’s a link to California’s website.

Finally, check out their online reviews. Then start to narrow your candidates down.

4) Call at least 3 contractors who you’ve narrowed down in your research to come and give you an estimate– Between the time you called each one and the estimate make sure you have examined their website and reviews in more detail. Also take note of:

  • how quickly they responded to your phone call or email
  • how quickly an estimate was scheduled
  • how courteous they were throughout the process
  • how thorough the estimate process was
5) Evaluate each bid– This is often the most difficult part of the process. You need to keep in mind that price shouldn’t be the determining factor. Trust your instincts, and if you felt good about the way you’ve been treated by a certain company above others, then you should go with your gut. Just make sure that you’ve had a chance to speak with at least one former client of the contractor who had similar work done. This will ensure that the testimonials and reviews are all inline.
Remember, choosing a general contractor is not an quick process. It’s like buying a car; you need to do your research and take your time evaluating your options. The good news is that most contractors don’t operate like used car salesmen. With sufficient research you should be able to quickly narrow down your candidates and make a decision.
If you’re in the San Diego area and looking for a quality home remodeling company then contact
San Diego general contractor Greyhound General for a free estimate, or simply call 800-568-7108.

Basement Remodeling Tips & Ideas

Does your home have an unfinished basement that you want to remodel? If so, there are many things you’ll want to consider. Expect questions like “Do we have room for this?” and “Will this work for us?” to come up often. That’s why having an experienced San Diego basement remodeling contractor, like Greyhound General, is so important. Greyhound can walk you through each phase of the work, helping you explore all your basement options.

Here are some things to consider before remodeling your basement that Greyhound will discuss with you:

  • Designing your space: No, I don’t mean on graphing paper. I mean digitally on a computer program. Greyhound’s architects can help you map out how to best utilize every square foot of your basement
  • How do I factor in windows, doors, outlets, plumbing into my design?: You need to decide the best locations for the placement of these items, and having a licensed architect will help.
  • Can I re-route my water pipes or ductwork?: Yes, even older homes can have both pipes and ducts re-routed. Precautions nee to be taken, but it is possible.
  • What type of ceiling should I use?: The great debate now with basement remodeling is whether to use drop or drywall ceilings. Both have their advantages, drop ceilings give you more access and drywall ceilings can cover up pipes & wires, so you’ll need an experienced contractor to help you with this decision.
  • Can I add a bedroom?: Of course, but state law requires that in order to be a habitable living space there must be an egress, a way to get out of the basement other than using the stairs. If you have a walk out basement you don’t need to worry, but if not, then you will be required to put in an egress window.

There are so many different things you can do with your finished basement, such as adding a:

  • game or theater room
  • fitness center
  • bar
  • home office
  • bedroom
  • bathroom
  • storage
  • and much more…

If you have any questions or you’re looking for an experienced San Diego basement remodeling contractor then contact Greyhound General today, or call 800-568-7108.

Bedroom Remodeling Ideas

Whether you’d like to add on to your existing home or remodel your master suite, bedroom remodeling can be quite a chore. Thankfully, if you hire a professional the job can be timely and stress-free. Since the bedroom should be one of the most relaxing and comfortable places in your home, you need to make sure that everything from the ground up reflects this comfort.

Here are some areas to focus on with your remodeling contractor in order to ensure maximum comfort in your new bedroom:

1) Size of the room: If you’re adding on to your home you’ll need to talk to an architect about how much room around your house you can sacrifice to add this new bedroom. If you’re simply combining two bedrooms or enlarging a second story bedroom you’ll still need the help of an architect to make sure the dimensions are accurate.

2) Flooring: Carpet or Hardwood? This can be a tough choice because carpet provides a softness and warmth, while hardwood provides style and elegance. Your might base you decision on the flooring for the rest of the house, or you can simply disregard the rest of the house and make your newly remodeled room different. Your contractor should advise you on the best options.

3) Crown Molding & Trim: Nothing says style and elegance quite like very nice crown molding and trim. You can review all the styles and options with your contractor.

4) Walls: Paint or wallpaper? Or both? Like flooring, this can be a difficult decision. Remember that lighter and softer colors make the room appear more well-lit and inviting, which is exactly what you want in a bedroom.

If you considering a bedroom addition or remodeling an existing bedroom there are a lot of tough choices to make. However, if you have the right general contractor to help these decisions can be a lot easier to make. More importantly, a full service general contractor will walk you through all the steps for the project, including permits, architectural analysis, and much more.

If you’re in the San Diego area and you’re considering a bedroom addition or a bedroom remodel then contact Greyhound General today or call 800-568-7108.

Looking to Build Yourself a “Man Cave”?

Super Bowl Sunday is only a couple days away, so naturally people are making party plans. If you’re hosting one of these NFL season-ending bashes then you need to prepare. In addition to the food and drinks you’re going to have to think about where to host these guests. In your living room? Den? Chances are the room with the biggest TV will be the area your guests are congregating. Maybe your living room just isn’t cutting it? Or maybe you have formal room or basement that just isn’t being used? Man cave anyone?

Wikipedia defines a “man cave” as “a mantuary, or manspace, a male sanctuary, such as a specially equipped garage, spare bedroom, media room, den, or basement. It is not a cave but rather a metaphor describing a room inside the house, such as the basement or garage or attic or office, or outside the house such as a wood shed or tool room, where “guys can do as they please” without fear of upsetting any female sensibility about house decor or design.” Now that we’re clear on the definition, let’s discuss the essentials of your man cave, so that you can get working on it for next years’ Super Bowl…

1) Pick your space: You’ll need to find a room with enough space for a big screen TV and at least a couch and recliner. More importantly, you’ll need to find a space that isn’t currently being occupied by your significant other (or this could cause a lot of trouble). Consider the living room, family room, or den. However, if these spaces are all occupied then you’ll want to look at step 2…

2) “Fix up” or remodel the space: If you have a space that could be expanded on or a basement that needs finishing, you’ll need to help remodeling these spaces in order to get them ready to become  your man cave.  Consider hardwood floors (to help with beer spills) and sound proof walls. You’ll want to consult with a general contractor to explore all of your options.

3) Pick out a TV: The TV is the centerpiece of any man cave. Some would argue that the location of the TV should be taken into account for steps 1 and 2. A good idea would be to invest in a 50 or 60 in. TV (which you can find for under $1,000 now), and utilize other older models that you might be looking to get rid of, as “extras” in case you want to have multiple games on at once.

4) Pick out your furniture: Popular furniture items  for “man caves” are La-Z-Boy chairs, mini fridges, and recliners are man cave staples. No need to splurge on furniture, just make sure everyone invited over has a seat!

5) Decorate: This is where you hang every piece of sports memorabilia you own. Posters, autographs, and old street signs are just a few cool items that will help you “snaz up” the place.

6) Enjoy: Crack open a beer and enjoy the fruits of your (or your general contractor’s) labor!

Obviously the biggest, and most important, step in you getting you man cave completed is the remodeling phase. For many, your potential room may already be ready for a big screen TV, furniture, and all the other man cave essentials. However, many of the best man caves are specifically remodeled as such. Consider a room addition or basement remodel for your future man cave. Of course, you’re going to need help with the remodeling, and San Diego home remodeling contractor Greyhound General can help. Contact us today for a free man cave estimate, or call us at 800-568-7108.